Contact Details Email signature

Administrative Support, Business & Corporate

Contact Details Email Signatures

Businesses work hard to get contact details from existing clients and new possible clients. Just take a look at your local supermarkets and insurance companies.  They all want your contact details.

Businesses also work hard to keep a client happy, loyal and hopefully become an advocate for the services or products. There is just as much hard work and time invested in finding a new client. This all has a cost to the business because:

a) There is the cost of man-hours
b) The cost of any equipment used to contact the client
c) The cost of products or services on trials.

It is typically the aim of any business to ensure that the client has a pleasant and enjoyable experience when working with them. Indeed, it is the goal and primary objective of any sales person and customer services team to ensure this happens. Having said that, why do some companies make it so difficult for their current clients and new clients to get in touch.

Just because an existing client has worked with you for years, it does not mean they know your contact details. You are only a provider; a supplier, that assists them in providing a product or service to their clients. Also, just because you know their number it does not mean they know yours.

Most effective marketing material will always have some contact details or a call to action. However, you cannot assume that your possible new client has seen your marketing material. They may have been handed details of your organisation via word of mouth, a passing comment and know very little about your business and need additional support.


There is nothing more infuriating to a client or prospect
if they have to search for your contact details

What are Contact Details?

Contact details are pieces of information that help a client or prospect contact you. This information can be via an email address, a telephone number, a fax number or a website.

Contact Details – Conclusion

Contact Details Email Signature

Good Email Signature

Do not make it difficult for your clients and prospects to contact you. Make your contact details clear, easy to find and available at all times. We have all spent time searching for contact information as we just cannot lay our hands on a number or email address. Many of us reach for the last email the person sent us or the last letter or fax we received. If you are reaching for these kinds of documents, what do you think your clients and prospects are doing. In effect, you are making their life easier, and as a consequence,


Poor example of an email signature

they will do business with you. Give them your contact details at every opportunity you get because they may want to communicate with you. To put it another way, the more contact you will have, the longer the client will stay.

Contact Details – TIPS

  1. Contact details should be at the bottom of all emails sent to clients and prospects including replies via emails. It is very easy to add a signature to each email. If you create a template within your email, then set up the signature. Select your email system from the link below if you need help.Microsoft Outlook 2010
    Microsoft Outlook 2013
  2. Update the contact details on your mobile phone.  You want your contact to see a professional signature instated ‘sent via iPhone or Samsung’.To find out how to update the signature on your smartphone visit YouTube.
  3. Ensure all your contact details are on your website and are easy to see.
  4. Add contact information to official documentation leaving your company. For Example Headed paper, fax sheets, envelopes and invoices. Clearly, display your contact details.
  5. Ensure all Business cards are easy to read and have all contact details. For example, the name of the contact, telephone number, email address and website.

Remember, a client or prospect may be looking for a subtle reason to move away from you.  You do not want them moving toward your competitor.


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