FREE Puzzels to downloads


Do you love Free Stuff? Who doesn’t? We at myPA love free stuff and we also love giving it away.  We may have far to much time on our hands!

Over the next few weeks, we are adding new and exciting games, puzzles and quizzes for you to do while at your desk. They will take no longer than 15 minutes each, enough time for your coffee to cool down.

Wordsearch Game x 2

SciFi TV Shows Wordsearch

SciFi TV Shows

February 2018 Wordsearch

Free Puzzel for secretaries

Whats on my desk 2018 Wordsearch v2

If you are working too hard and don’t take enough breaks your brain will isn’t as efficient as it could be. Why not use one of our puzzles and take a coffee break.

Let your mind think of something else.

To keep up with our new Free handouts and games, enter your email below and as soon as we have new stuff, we will send you an email.

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