Welcome, my name is Julie Farmer and I have a passion.
Julie Farmer is an author, business owner, trainer and business coach.
Julie worked for Emtech Incident Control Management and Counter Terrorism. She loved her job with Emtech and helped in the expansion of the company. Initially employing two and a half members of staff to five employees.
In 2002, Emtech was acquired by Chubb Fire. Julie continued to work with Chub Fire for a few years but started her own Virtual Assistant business on the side. She started helping some of the small businesses she knew and then on recommendations her client base grew.
In 2005 Julie was made redundant. Instead of feeling sad about losing her job she started myPA Business Limited. In fact, Julie was redundant as 2 pm on a Monday. She started her business at 4 pm the same day.
‘To start my business was a no-brainer. The only issue I had was, what services would I offer? Then how would I pay for my business’?
Julie had never intended to start her own business, but when the opportunity arose, she decided to grab it with both hands.
‘Money was tight, to begin with; I even cleaned the offices I rented for a reduction in my rent to help’.
However, being self-employed has been a fantastic opportunity for Julie. It has afforded her the opportunity to become involved in her local town. In 2008 she became an elected member of the Town Council and in 2015-2017 the deputy Mayor.
Julie believes that everyone should be in a position to earn his or her living and utilise the skills he or she currently have. One of the main reasons for this site is to ensure people are aware of their abilities. To help women become financially independent and take pride in the work they do.