Performance Review for a PA or Secretary

Performance Review for a PA or Secretary

A Performance review or appraisal is one of the tasks managers hate to do, and employees hate to receive. The entire process can cause sleepless nights for both concerned and create lots of anguish. However, I would like to suggest that you may be looking at a performance review in a rather negative way.


A performance review should be a process that you look forward to and not something to be feared or dreaded. An Appraisal is an opportunity for you to talk to your employer about you. Within the conversation, you will discuss your current role as a PA or Secretary within the organisation and your Job Description. You could also discuss any potential career development or progression that you would like to achieve in the company.


Contact Details Email signature

Contact Details Email signature

Contact Details Email Signatures

Businesses work hard to get contact details from existing clients and new possible clients. Just take a look at your local supermarkets and insurance companies.  They all want your contact details.

Businesses also work hard to keep a client happy, loyal and hopefully become an advocate for the services or products. There is just as much hard work and time invested in finding a new client. This all has a cost to the business because:


Listening Skills for a Secretary and PA

Listening Skills for a Secretary and PA

Listening Skills for a Secretary, PA or Minute Taker are essential. When we talk to our work colleagues, we are there to obtain information and to understand their needs.  We need to learn and know what tasks they would like us to undertake quickly and efficiently.  Interestingly, on average we hear about 30-50% of what a person speaks in a conversation, we then we faze out.  This is where your skill as a Secretary, PA or Minute Taker needs to come into play.  You need to become an active listener.


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